Abstract Submission Ends: November 30, 2024

Early Bird Registration Ends: December 15, 2024

Early Bird Registration Ends: October 30, 2023

Abstract Peer-Review Process/Guidelines

Abstract Peer-Review Process/Guidelines

Abstract Peer-Review Process/Guidelines

Abstract Review Process:

The abstract review process is designed to ensure that high-quality, relevant content is presented at the conference, while also giving authors the opportunity to receive feedback and improve their work.
  1.  Submission: Authors submit abstracts for consideration to the conference organizers or program committee.

  2.  Initial screening: The program committee will review the abstracts to ensure they meet the submission guidelines and are relevant to the conference theme.

  3.  Review: The abstracts are then sent to our reviewers who will evaluate the quality of the content and the relevance to the conference theme. This review process typically takes 5-10 days.

  4.  Scoring: Reviewers will typically score each abstract based on predetermined criteria, such as scientific rigor, originality, relevance, and clarity of presentation.

  5.  Final selection: Based on the scores and feedback from the reviewers, the program committee will make final decisions about which abstracts to accept for presentation at the conference. Some conferences may also have a waitlist or rejection list for abstracts that do not make the final cut.

  6.  Notification: Authors will be notified of the outcome of the review process, including whether their abstract was accepted, rejected, or placed on a waitlist. They may also receive feedback on how to improve their abstract or presentation if it was not accepted.